
The aim of this site is to spread a little light on healthy, balanced living. And also to keep up to date with research and new thinking on everything from diet and health promotion, to scientific, philosophical, and spiritual development.

Balance is the key to good health - learning how to keep balance in our diets and our lives, is the key to happy, healthy, living.

(Go to my website for more information: www.onehealth.ie or click on the link below.)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It is my intention to write a regular update on issues that I find relevant to my clinics and health in general, and send you notification so you can come here to read it if you wish.

This week I want to tell you that I am very excited as I prepare to move into a new practice in Castleknock to work with Ireland's leading Chelation expert, Dr. Gabriel Stewart.

Dr. Stewart has run his Chelation-Ireland Clinic (see Links) in Castleknock for a number of years and provides an excellent and much needed medical treatment for many ailments, including: heart disease, circulatory disorders (including circulatory loss of vision), diabetic arterial disease, decreased mental function from vascular disease and intermittent claudication (leg pain on exercise) and neurological disorders and the degenerative diseases. Significant improvements have been reported in over 80% of cases. Other treatments offered are: Intra-venous vitamin treatments; Intra-venous hydrogen peroxide; Intra-venous glutathione; Intra-venous vitamin C; Mercury detoxification. Dr. Stewart also treats autistic children according to the DAN Protocol.

I am really looking forward to getting an Integrated Clinic together, working with a team of health professionals using a wide range of modalities to bring about wellness in our patients.

This type of clinic is sorely lacking in Ireland, where it is desperately needed. Our so-called 'Health Service' (sic) is under severe pressure and failing many of the very ill (did you see the Prime Time documentary on RTE last night?), because there is NO emphasis placed on PREVENTATIVE medicine, which would educate people on how to keep well, and deal promptly with minor illnesses before they need modern medical intervention, freeing up scarce resources and hospital places for those who still need them.

I'll keep you up-dated of my progress and let you know when I'm 'OPEN-FOR-BUSINESS' in Castleknock. Wish me luck!