
The aim of this site is to spread a little light on healthy, balanced living. And also to keep up to date with research and new thinking on everything from diet and health promotion, to scientific, philosophical, and spiritual development.

Balance is the key to good health - learning how to keep balance in our diets and our lives, is the key to happy, healthy, living.

(Go to my website for more information: www.onehealth.ie or click on the link below.)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Positive Moments

Every night, lying in bed, I think about all the things that I’m thankful for, in that day, in my life - and I dream about the things I would like to look forward to the following day. It’s a wonderful way to put a bad day to rest and move on to better times…

It also makes me focus on the good things in my life - the little things, that are so easily forgotten or taken for granted, but are what really make life worth living – like a phone call from a friend just to say hello, or a smile, or a hug, or a cup of tea, or a patch of blue in an otherwise cloudy sky…

Some people call it prayer, others, meditation. But there are many of us who, for one reason or another, think we have no connection with God (Allah, Yaweh, Budda) or religion in general, and even the idea of a ‘higher-power’ makes the hair stand up on the back of the neck! Yet we all have a spiritual connection. And if we try to ignore, and neglect to nourish, our spiritual side, we can become dissillusioned with life or become anxious and depressed, out of balance, dis-eased.

Organised religions, in perhaps a misguided effort to simplify their teachings, have created one-size-fits-all doctrines for people to follow and accept and never question. This has had the unfortunate outcome of dis-empowering us. It limits us and disconnects us from the true meaning of our lives – our own truth, one that makes sense to us, on our own terms, with our own points of reference. We are all different, we make our own sense of the world, of life, of our place in the grand scheme. Each of us has an individual connection with the world we live in, and the lives we live. We have our own individual sense of our place in it all. But, instead of being helped to find this connection between ourselves and Life, we are often chastised for being individual – told we’re ‘sinners’, unworthy and unloved. We become angry and frustrated – not only with the churches - for not supporting us, or with God - for not loving and taking care of us, but with ourselves – for being unworthy.

This feeling of unworthiness is the worst ‘evil’ of all. It leaves us afraid to ask, to wish, or god-forbid (pun intended) expect, the best – yet the BEST is what we are, what we are here to create and experience, for ourselves.

Quantum Physics, tries to explain how life works – but I don’t need to be a super-scientist to understand, to feel, that I am made of the same atoms and work on the same energy/electricity as every other ‘thing’ in the whole universe. I feel it vibrating through me at every moment – I Am Connected!
My energy grid is wired-in with all of your’s, and everyone else’s, and everything else’s. I Am Life!

I CHOOSE my Life.

You CHOOSE your Life…

Every moment, you are on the crest of the next moment in your life – it is just waiting to be created… not by a higher-power, but by YOU! If your thoughts are negative, you will create a negative moment. If your thoughts are positive, you will create a positive moment, which goes on to create a positive life – the life of your dreams, the one you deserve and the one you can learn to expect!

That’s not to say that unexpected things don’t happen – accidents, traumas, illness and death – they do happen, and they stop us in our tracks. But we can CHOOSE to stay trapped in that moment and keep on re-creating it, to re-live over and over, or we can CHOOSE to create a new, positive moment to follow it, which goes on to create a new, positive beginning, with new dreams and new expectations!

Every moment, we CHOOSE our next moment – be aware of how you CHOOSE to think and how you CHOOSE to live, every moment…

Liz Nagle (5th April, 2006)